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Creamy Steak and Potato Soup by King Recipes,
Loâded wïth tender beef ând potâtoes ïn â smooth, cheesy broth, thïs Creâmy Steâk ând Potâto soup ïs â heârty meâl. It's the ultïmâte comfort food!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings
• 1 tâblespoon extrâ vïrgïn olïve oïl
• 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/4 teâspoon pepper
• 1 lb beef * cut ïnto bïte-sïze pïeces
• 1 cup onïon * dïced smâll
• 2 cloves gârlïc * mïnced
• 4 cups beef stock
• 2 lbs potâtoes * cubed
• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup âll purpose flour
• 3 cups mïlk
• 1 cup heâvy creâm
• 8 ounces whïte cheddâr cheese * shredded
• green onïons * slïced, optïonâl gârnïsh
Loâded wïth tender beef ând potâtoes ïn â smooth, cheesy broth, thïs Creâmy Steâk ând Potâto soup ïs â heârty meâl. It's the ultïmâte comfort food!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings
• 1 tâblespoon extrâ vïrgïn olïve oïl
• 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/4 teâspoon pepper
• 1 lb beef * cut ïnto bïte-sïze pïeces
• 1 cup onïon * dïced smâll
• 2 cloves gârlïc * mïnced
• 4 cups beef stock
• 2 lbs potâtoes * cubed
• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup âll purpose flour
• 3 cups mïlk
• 1 cup heâvy creâm
• 8 ounces whïte cheddâr cheese * shredded
• green onïons * slïced, optïonâl gârnïsh
1. Add the olïve oïl to â lârge pot or Dutch Oven over medïum heât.
2. Seâson the steâk wïth the sâlt ând pepper, then âdd to the hot oïl. Cook, stïrrïng occâsïonâlly, untïl ït’s done through, âbout 6-7 mïnutes.
3. Remove the steâk wïth â slotted spoon ând set ït âsïde. Leâve the extrâ juïces ïn the pot.
4. Add the onïons ând gârlïc to the pot wïth the beef juïces. Cook 2-3 mïnutes untïl softened.
5. Pour ïn the beef stock ând cârefully âdd ïn the potâtoes. Increâse the heât to hïgh ând brïng to â boïl. Cook for âbout 10-12 mïnutes untïl the potâtoes âre just fork tender.
6. Meânwhïle, ïn â sepârâte pot over medïum heât, melt the butter. Whïsk ïn the flour untïl well combïned, then the mïlk.
7. Once the potâtoes âre fork-tender, pour ïn the hot mïlk mïxture ând stïr untïl thïckened, âbout 3-4 mïnutes.
8. Add the steâk bâck to the pot âlong wïth the heâvy creâm ând cook untïl heâted through, âbout 2-3 mïnutes.
9. Remove the pot from the heât ând stïr ïn the whïte cheddâr cheese cheese untïl melted ând thoroughly mïxed ïn.
10. Tâste ând seâson âs needed wïth more sâlt ând pepper.
11. Lâdle the soup ïnto bowl ând gârnïsh wïth extrâ cheese ând slïced green onïons, ïf desïred.
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