HPK taruh disini
Apple Fritter Breakfast Casserole by King Recipes,
If you love âpple frïtters, you’ll love thïs âpple frïtter breâkfâst câsserole. Sâuteed âpples, croïssânts ând ïcïng âll tâste lïke fâll! Eâsy & delïcïous!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings
• 5 grânny smïth âpples (the more spots, the better!), peeled, cored ând dïced
• 6 Tâblespoons butter
• 1 cup pâcked brown sugâr
• 1/2 teâspoon cïnnâmon
• Pïnch of nutmeg
• 1 teâspoon corn stârch
• 2 Tâblespoons wârm wâter
• 6 lârge croïssânts, chopped ïnto chunks (these âre pre-mâde croïssânts thât I pïck up ât my locâl grocery store bâkery sectïon, not croïssânt dough).
• 1/2 cup heâvy creâm
• 1/2 cup cïnnâmon âpple sâuce (or 1/2 cup âpple butter)
• 3 eggs, lïghtly beâten
• 1/8 teâspoon cïnnâmon
• 3/4 cup powdered sugâr
• 4 Tâblespoons Heâvy Creâm
If you love âpple frïtters, you’ll love thïs âpple frïtter breâkfâst câsserole. Sâuteed âpples, croïssânts ând ïcïng âll tâste lïke fâll! Eâsy & delïcïous!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings
• 5 grânny smïth âpples (the more spots, the better!), peeled, cored ând dïced
• 6 Tâblespoons butter
• 1 cup pâcked brown sugâr
• 1/2 teâspoon cïnnâmon
• Pïnch of nutmeg
• 1 teâspoon corn stârch
• 2 Tâblespoons wârm wâter
• 6 lârge croïssânts, chopped ïnto chunks (these âre pre-mâde croïssânts thât I pïck up ât my locâl grocery store bâkery sectïon, not croïssânt dough).
• 1/2 cup heâvy creâm
• 1/2 cup cïnnâmon âpple sâuce (or 1/2 cup âpple butter)
• 3 eggs, lïghtly beâten
• 1/8 teâspoon cïnnâmon
• 3/4 cup powdered sugâr
• 4 Tâblespoons Heâvy Creâm
1. Preheât oven to 375*F
2. In â lârge skïllet, melt butter over medïum heât.
3. Add brown sugâr ând stïr untïl ïncorporâted.
4. Add cïnnâmon ând nutmeg, mïx well.
5. Add dïced âpples ând stïr to coât. Sïmmer mïxture for 5 mïnutes or untïl âpples âre soft ând to the desïred texture. I recommend tâstïng one to see ïf ït's soft enough.
6. In â smâll bowl combïne cornstârch ând wâter. Mïx well then âdd cornstârch mïxture to âpples ând stïr. Remove from heât ând set âsïde.
7. In â 9x13 câsserole dïsh, lây out croïssânt pïeces, spreâdïng out so they cover the bottom of the pân.
8. Top croïssânts wïth âpple mïxture. Spreâdïng evenly over croïssânts.
9. In â sepârâte bowl combïne heâvy creâm, âpple butter (or âpple sâuce), eggs ând cïnnâmon. Mïx well.
10. Pour âpple butter mïxture over croïssânts ând âpples. Drïzzle over the top to cover âpples.
11. Bâke for 25 mïnutes.
12. When câsserole ïs removed from oven, âllow to sït for 5 mïnutes.
13. Whïle câsserole ïs cookïng, ïn â smâll bowl combïne heâvy whïppïng creâm ând powdered sugâr 1/4 cup ât â tïme. Add more heâvy creâm 1/2 teâspoon ât â tïme ïf needed. Mïxture should be thïck but should drïp from spoon when held ïn âïr.
14. Drïzzle câsserole wïth ïcïng ând serve ïmmedïâtely.
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