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Soft Low cârb spïnâch tâco shells mâkes â delïcïous replâcement to regulâr tâcos.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 4 oz fresh spïnâch leâves (100 g)
• 4 cups boïlïng wâter
• 2 eggs
• 4 tâblespoon âlmond meâl or oât flour
• 1/2 cup grâted cheese
• 1/4 teâspoon gârlïc powder
• 1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1. Preheât oven to 390 F (200 C).
2. Plâce the fresh spïnâch leâves ïnto â lârge mïxïng bowl.
3. Cover the spïnâch leâves wïth 4 cups of boïlïng wâter. Cover. Set âsïde 2 mïnutes.
4. In ânother bowl âdd ïce cubes, âbout 1 cup.
5. Usïng tongs remove the cooked spïnâch leâves from the mïxïng bowl ând plâce them ïnto the bowl fïlled wïth ïce cubes. Stïr the leâves ïnto the ïce cubes for few seconds to cool down.
6. Squeeze the spïnâch leâves wïth your hânds to remove âll the wâter. It wïll form â compâct spïnâch 'bâll.'
7. Pât dry the spïnâch between lâyers of âbsorbent pâper to ensure thât the cooked spïnâch âre fully dry.
8. Fïnely chopped the cooked spïnâch on â choppïng boârd.
9. Plâce them ïnto â lârge mïxïng bowl ând combïne wïth grâted cheese, eggs ând âlmond meâl, gârlïc powder ând sâlt untïl ït forms â sort of bâtter.
10. Scoop out the bâtter onto â bâkïng trây covered wïth pârchment pâper. I recommend to sprây some olïve oïl on the pârchment pâper too to âvoïd the shells to stïck to the pâper ! I used â mechânïcâl ïce creâm scoop mâker to scoop out the bâtter ïnto 4 equâl âmount of tâco shell bâtter.
11. Use your fïngers to flâtten eâch scoop of tâco bâtter ïnto â evenly flât thïn cïrcle thât looks lïke â tâco.
12. Bâke ât 390 F (200 C) for 15 mïnutes or untïl ït ïs golden ând crïspy on sïdes. Dependïng on oven ând thïckness of your tâcos you mây hâve to reduce to 350 F (180C). Sïmply wâtch the color ând texture whïle bâkïng to âvoïd burnïng. It ïs bâked when the border âre crïspy ând slïghty golden brown.
13. Cool down on â plâte few mïnutes before eâtïng.
14. Cân be eâten lukewârm or cold wïth toppïngs of your choïce.
Read More this full recipes at LOW CARB TACO SHELLS WITH SPINACH
Soft Low cârb spïnâch tâco shells mâkes â delïcïous replâcement to regulâr tâcos.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 4 oz fresh spïnâch leâves (100 g)
• 4 cups boïlïng wâter
• 2 eggs
• 4 tâblespoon âlmond meâl or oât flour
• 1/2 cup grâted cheese
• 1/4 teâspoon gârlïc powder
• 1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1. Preheât oven to 390 F (200 C).
2. Plâce the fresh spïnâch leâves ïnto â lârge mïxïng bowl.
3. Cover the spïnâch leâves wïth 4 cups of boïlïng wâter. Cover. Set âsïde 2 mïnutes.
4. In ânother bowl âdd ïce cubes, âbout 1 cup.
5. Usïng tongs remove the cooked spïnâch leâves from the mïxïng bowl ând plâce them ïnto the bowl fïlled wïth ïce cubes. Stïr the leâves ïnto the ïce cubes for few seconds to cool down.
6. Squeeze the spïnâch leâves wïth your hânds to remove âll the wâter. It wïll form â compâct spïnâch 'bâll.'
7. Pât dry the spïnâch between lâyers of âbsorbent pâper to ensure thât the cooked spïnâch âre fully dry.
8. Fïnely chopped the cooked spïnâch on â choppïng boârd.
9. Plâce them ïnto â lârge mïxïng bowl ând combïne wïth grâted cheese, eggs ând âlmond meâl, gârlïc powder ând sâlt untïl ït forms â sort of bâtter.
10. Scoop out the bâtter onto â bâkïng trây covered wïth pârchment pâper. I recommend to sprây some olïve oïl on the pârchment pâper too to âvoïd the shells to stïck to the pâper ! I used â mechânïcâl ïce creâm scoop mâker to scoop out the bâtter ïnto 4 equâl âmount of tâco shell bâtter.
11. Use your fïngers to flâtten eâch scoop of tâco bâtter ïnto â evenly flât thïn cïrcle thât looks lïke â tâco.
12. Bâke ât 390 F (200 C) for 15 mïnutes or untïl ït ïs golden ând crïspy on sïdes. Dependïng on oven ând thïckness of your tâcos you mây hâve to reduce to 350 F (180C). Sïmply wâtch the color ând texture whïle bâkïng to âvoïd burnïng. It ïs bâked when the border âre crïspy ând slïghty golden brown.
13. Cool down on â plâte few mïnutes before eâtïng.
14. Cân be eâten lukewârm or cold wïth toppïngs of your choïce.
Read More this full recipes at LOW CARB TACO SHELLS WITH SPINACH
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