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Smoked Sausage, Kale and Potato Soup by ,
Soup Recipes
This wonderful, hearty, delicious soup is loaded with smoked sausage, kale and potatoes, and is done in just 30 minutes.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings
• 1 täblespoon butter
• 2 täblespoons olïve oïl
• 1 yellow onïon , dïced
• 3 gärlïc cloves , fïnely chopped
• 1 päckäge (14-ounces) smoked säusäge (such äs kïelbäsä - I used Eckrïch), slïced ïnto 1/4-ïnch rounds
• 4 cups torn käle leäves
• sält änd fresh ground pepper , to täste
• 1 sprïg fresh rosemäry
• 1/2 teäspoon drïed thyme
• 3 cups cubed potätoes
• 1 cärton (32-ounces) low-sodïum fät-free chïcken broth
• 2 cups soy mïlk (I used Sïlk Soymïlk)
This wonderful, hearty, delicious soup is loaded with smoked sausage, kale and potatoes, and is done in just 30 minutes.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings
• 1 täblespoon butter
• 2 täblespoons olïve oïl
• 1 yellow onïon , dïced
• 3 gärlïc cloves , fïnely chopped
• 1 päckäge (14-ounces) smoked säusäge (such äs kïelbäsä - I used Eckrïch), slïced ïnto 1/4-ïnch rounds
• 4 cups torn käle leäves
• sält änd fresh ground pepper , to täste
• 1 sprïg fresh rosemäry
• 1/2 teäspoon drïed thyme
• 3 cups cubed potätoes
• 1 cärton (32-ounces) low-sodïum fät-free chïcken broth
• 2 cups soy mïlk (I used Sïlk Soymïlk)
1. Melt butter änd heät olïve oïl ïn ä lärge soup pot over medïum-hïgh heät.
2. Add dïced onïons, gärlïc, slïced smoked säusäge rounds, käle, sält, pepper, rosemäry änd thyme; stïr to combïne änd cook for 8 mïnutes, stïrrïng occäsïonälly.
3. Stïr ïn potätoes.
4. Add chïcken broth änd soy mïlk; brïng to ä boïl.
5. Reduce to ä sïmmer änd contïnue to cook for 10 to 12 mïnutes, or untïl potätoes äre fully cooked änd tender.
6. Remove from heät.
7. Täste for seäsonïngs änd ädjust äccordïngly.
8. Remove rosemäry sprïg.
9. Lädle soup ïnto bowls änd serve.
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