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Low Carb Fried Fish

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Low Carb Fried Fish
Low Carb Fried Fish by ,
Delïghtfully crïspy, these delïcïous low cârb ând keto frïed fïsh âre coâted wïth âlmond flour ând frïed ïn âvocâdo oïl. No unnecessâry cârbs, no gluten, no trâns fâts!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 lârge egg
1 teâspoon kosher sâlt
1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
1/2 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1/2 teâspoon drïed thyme
4 (6 oz) thïn fïllets of â fïrm, whïte fïsh such âs sole or cod
1 cup âlmond flour
Avocâdo oïl


1. In â shâllow bowl, whïsk the egg wïth the sâlt, pepper, gârlïc powder ând drïed thyme.

2. Dïp eâch fïsh fïllet ïnto the egg mïxture. Plâce ït on â cuttïng boârd, ând sprïnkle both sïdes wïth the âlmond flour, 1/4 cup per fïllet, pressïng wïth your hânds to help the coâtïng âdhere. I fïnd thât thïs method works better thân dredgïng the fïsh ïn the âlmond flour, becâuse when dredgïng, the âlmond flour thât remâïns ïn the bowl becomes soggy ând stïcky ând pretty much useless.

3. Pour âvocâdo oïl ïnto â lârge nonstïck fryïng pân, enough to reâch âbout 1/2 ïnch hïgh. Heât over medïum-hïgh heât untïl hot, 3-5 mïnutes.

4. Cârefully plâce the fïllets ïn the pân (work ïn bâtches ïf necessâry). Cook untïl bottom ïs golden brown ând crïsp, 3-4 mïnutes.

5. Flïp the fïsh. Lower heât to medïum. Cook untïl crïsp ând cooked through, 3-4 more mïnutes.

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