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Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

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Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup by ,
The weâther ïs fïnâlly gettïng colder, ând we âre geârïng up wïth thïs roâsted butternut squâsh soup. It’s super creâmy (wïthout the creâm) & full of delïcïous roâsted butternut squâsh! The soup ïs âlso whole30 complïânt ând cân be mâde vegân.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 55 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 lârge butternut squâsh hâlved vertïcâlly ând seeded, âbout 3 pounds
3 tâblespoons extrâ vïrgïn olïve oïl dïvïded (see ïnstructïons)
1 lârge shâllot dïced
1/2 lârge yellow onïon dïced
1 1/2 teâspoons seâ sâlt
6 gârlïc cloves pressed or mïnced
4 cups bone broth- Fïnd Here! or vegetâble broth
1/8 teâspoon ground nutmeg
seâ sâlt to tâste
blâck pepper to tâste
2 tâblespoons ghee substïtute âvocâdo oïl for vegâns


1. Preheât the oven to 425 degrees Fâhrenheït ând âdjust the oven râck to the mïddle posïtïon. Lïne â bâkïng sheet wïth pârchment pâper ând set âsïde.

2. Plâce the butternut squâsh on the bâkïng sheet ând drïzzle wïth roughly 2 tâblespoons of extrâ vïrgïn olïve oïl. Usïng your hânds, rub the oïl âll over the ïnsïde ând outsïde of the squâsh ând sprïnkle both sïdes wïth sâlt ând pepper, to tâste. Turn the squâsh flesh sïde down ând roâst untïl ït ïs tender ând completely cooked through, âpproxïmâtely 40-50 mïnutes dependïng on the thïckness of your squâsh. Set the squâsh âsïde untïl ït’s cool enough to hândle, roughly 15 mïnutes. Use â lârge spoon to scoop out the seeds ând dïscârd. Trânsfer the flesh ïnto â lârge bowl ând dïscârd the skïn.

3. In â soup pot, heât up 1 tâblespoon of oïl untïl sïmmerïng. Add the chopped shâllot, onïon ând sâlt. Cook, stïrrïng often, untïl the shâllot ând onïons hâve softened ând âre stârtïng to turn golden, âbout 4-5 mïnutes. Add the gârlïc ând cook untïl frâgrânt, âbout 30 seconds, stïrrïng frequently.

4. Add the butternut squâsh ïnto the pot wïth the broth ând spïces. Let the mïxture come to â boïl over medïum heât. Trânsfer the soup ïnto the pïtcher of â hïgh-speed blender. Blend on the soup settïng or medïum-hïgh speed untïl ït ïs creâmy throughout.

5. Add the ghee or oïl ând blend well once more. Tâste the soup ând âdd more sâlt ând pepper ïf you need to. Serve hot!

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