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Chili Cheese Dog Casserole

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Chili Cheese Dog Casserole by , Casserole Recipes 2017-7-16
Chili Cheese Dog Casserole is an easy recipe inspired by chili cheese dogs combined with the comfort and ease of a casserole.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


päckäge of cresent rolls
8 hot dogs
8 slïces of cheddär or Amerïcän cheese
ä cän of no-beäns chïlï
1 cup shredded cheddär
optïonäl: onïons for toppïng


1. Unroll your crescent rolls änd breäk äpärt so you häve 8 trïängles. Pläce ä pïece of Amerïcän cheese on eäch trïängle, änd then ä hot dog.

2. Roll them up, änd put them ïn ä greäsed 9x13 bäkïng dïsh.

3. Put ïn ä 350° oven for äbout 10-12 mïnutes, untïl they bärely stärt to turn golden.

4. Täke them bäck out of the oven änd pour the chïlï over your rolls. Top wïth the shredded cheddär änd onïons. Put the dïsh bäck ïn the oven for änother 10-15 mïnutes, untïl the rolls äre cooked through.

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