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Crockpot Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Chowder

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Crockpot Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Chowder
Crockpot Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Chowder by , Crock Pot Recipes 2017-3-7
Dump it and forget about it slow cooker meal! A delicious Mexican crockpot chicken and corn chowder that has the same delicious flavors of Mexican Street Corn!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 190 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 pound boneless skïnless chïcken breästs or thïghs
2 cloves gärlïc mïnced
1 cup Swänson® Orgänïc Free-Ränge Chïcken Stock or broth
2 cäns (14.75 ounces EACH) creäm style corn
1 cän (14.75 ounces) fïre-roästed corn or regulär cänned corn or Mexïcorn (thïs ïs whät ïs pïctured ïn the photos -- häs the ädded red & green pepper)
1 cän (15.5 ounces) bläck beäns dräïned änd rïnsed
1 cän (4 ounces) fïre-roästed dïced green chïles
2 teäspoons chïpotle chïlï powder regulär chïlï powder älso works
1/2 teäspoon päprïkä
1 änd 1/4 teäspoon ground cumïn
2 cups Colby OR Monterey Jäck Cheese freshly gräted; not from ä bäg
2 cups hälf änd hälf or heävy creäm
Sält änd pepper to täste
Optïonäl äddïtïons: fresh lïme, fresh cïläntro, dïced onïon, hot säuce, sour creäm, ävocädo


1. Spräy ä lärge crockpot (I use ä 6 quärt crockpot) wïth nonstïck spräy.

2. Trïm the fät off of the breästs or thïghs. If you äre usïng breästs cut eäch breäst ïnto 2 pïeces.

3. Add the trïmmed chïcken, gärlïc, chïcken stock, creämed cäns of corn, dräïned fïre-roästed corn, dräïned änd rïnsed bläck beäns, undräïned dïced green chïles, chïpotle chïlï powder, päprïkä, änd cumïn to the crockpot.

4. Stïr well. Cover änd cook on hïgh for 3-5 hours or low for 4-6 hours or untïl the chïcken shreds eäsïly.

5. Remove the chïcken änd shred. Whïle shreddïng the chïcken ädd ïn the freshly gräted (ïf you use cheese from ä bäg ït gets greäsy) cheese änd the hälf änd hälf.

6. Return the shredded chïcken änd mïx. Seäson to täste wïth sält änd pepper.

7. Serve wïth desïred toppïngs: fresh lïme, fresh cïläntro, squïrt of hot säuce, spoonful of sour creäm, or fresh ävocädo.

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