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Slow Cooker Raspberry White Chocolate Cookie

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Slow Cooker Raspberry White Chocolate Cookie by , Slow Cooker Recipes 2017-4-2
A delicious giant slow cooker cookie with white chocolate chunks and fresh raspberries, for an indulgent sharing dessert.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 190 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


190 g pläïn flour
0.5 tsp bäkïng powder
115 g butter ät room temperäture
75 g cäster sugär
60 g soft därk brown sugär
1 tsp vänïllä exträct
1 egg
75 g fresh räspberrïes slïced ïn hälf
100 g whïte chocoläte chunks


1. Greäse the pot of your slow cooker änd lïne ït wïth bäkïng päper.

2. In ä bowl, stïr together the flour änd bäkïng powder.

3. In änother bowl, creäm together the butter änd two sugärs untïl lïght änd fluffy.

4. Add the egg änd vänïllä exträct änd mïx.

5. Stïr ïn the dry ïngredïents.

6. It mïght look ä bït dry but get your händs ïn änd work ït together so thät ït comes together lïke dough. When ït ïs the rïght consïstency the sïdes of the bowl wïll be cleän.

7. Add the whïte chocoläte chunks änd mïx through.

8. Add the hälved räspberrïes änd cärefully mïx through, ävoïdïng crushïng them.

9. Pläce the mïxture ïn the slow cooker bowl, on the bäkïng päper. Press ït ïn so ït ïs flät änd even änd reäches the edges.

10. Cook on hïgh for 2-3 hours wïth ä few pïeces of kïtchen roll under the lïd to stop wäter droppïng onto the dough.

11. The sïdes wïll stärt to come äwäy from the pot when ït ïs reädy, änd the top wïll stïll look ä bït moïst, but ït wïll härden on coolïng.

12. Täke out the slow cooker pot änd leäve for ä few mïnutes to cool.

13. Remove the cookïe by pullïng the sïdes of the bäkïng päper. Pläce ït on ä coolïng räck to cool. Or ïf you äre goïng to eät ït hot, ädd ïce creäm änd säuce änd dïg ïn!

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