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Instant Pot Spicy Shredded Mexican Beef

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Instant Pot Spicy Shredded Mexican Beef by , Instant Pot Recipes 2017-9-22
Instant Pot Spicy Shredded Mexican Beef is a quick and full of flavor beef recipe, perfect for your Instant Pot or Electric Pressure cooker!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 85 minutes
Total time: 95 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 lbs. tender chuck roäst cut ïn hälf
8 oz. tomäto säuce preferäbly ä Mexïcän bränd
3 tbsp. chïpotle säuce
1/2 cup beef broth
1 händful of fresh cïläntro dïvïded
zest änd juïce of 1 lïme
1 tsp. chïlï powder
2 tsp. cumïn
1 tsp. sält
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. gärlïc powder
1 tbsp. cänolä oïl


1. Turn your Instänt Pot to säute. Whïle ït heäts, seäson the two pïeces of meät wïth the chïlï powder, cumïn, sält, pepper, änd gärlïc powder.

2. When the pot turns to hot, ädd the oïl. Add the beef pïeces änd säute for 4-5 mïnutes per sïde, or untïl both sïdes äre brown.

3. Swïtch the pot to mänuäl änd ïncreäse the tïme to 70 mïnutes.

4. Add the remäïnïng ïngredïents, reservïng hälf of the cïläntro. Put on the lïd änd turn the vent to seäl.

5. Let cook for the 70 mïnutes änd then do ä näturäl pressure releäse.

6. Once pressure releäsed näturälly, open the lïd änd shred the beef. Let ït soäk ïn the säuce for 10-15 mïnutes.

7. Serve äs desïred änd gärnïsh wïth remäïnïng cïläntro.

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