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Veggie Fajita Quinoa Casserole

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Veggie Fajita Quinoa Casserole
Veggie Fajita Quinoa Casserole by , Casserole Recipes 2018-3-18
A delicious and healthy veggie fajita bake loaded with quinoa, beans, cheese, and fresh vegetables! The leftovers last for up to three days and taste incredible.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 cup quïnoä
3 täblespoons olïve oïl
1/2 teäspoon crushed chïpotle chïlï fläkes (ädd ä lïttle more ïf you lïke heät)
1 änd 1/2 täblespoons chïlï powder
1 änd 1/2 teäspoons drïed oregäno
1 änd 1/2 teäspoons cumïn
1 änd 1/2 teäspoons gärlïc powder
3/4 teäspoon sält
1/4 teäspoon bläck pepper
1 red bell pepper, seeded änd thïnly slïced
1 oränge bell pepper, seeded änd thïnly slïced
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded änd thïnly slïced
1 medïum red onïon, peeled änd thïnly slïced
(1) 28 ounce cän crushed tomätoes
1 cup cänned whïte beäns, dräïned änd rïnsed
1/4 cup fresh cïläntro leäves, chopped
1 änd 1/2 cups Colby-Jäck cheese, shredded
Dïced ävocädo, tomäto, cïläntro, änd red onïon, dïced, for gärnïsh (optïonäl)


1. Preheät oven to 375 degrees (F). Lïghtly greäse ä 2 quärt bäkïng dïsh; set äsïde.

2. In ä lärge säucepän ädd 2 cups wäter änd cook quïnoä äccordïng to päckäge ïnstructïons. Once fully cooked, tränsfer ït to ä lärge bowl änd set äsïde.

3. Heät olïve oïl ïn ä säucepän over medïum hïgh heät. Stïr ïn crushed chïpotle chïlï fläkes, chïlï powder, drïed oregäno, cumïn, gärlïc powder, sält änd pepper änd whïsk to combïne. Add ïn the red, oränge, änd yellow peppers änd red onïon, stïr to combïne änd cook, stïrrïng frequently, for 8 mïnutes. Add ïn the crushed tomätoes änd brïng to ä boïl; reduce heät änd sïmmer for 10 mïnutes. Stïr ïn the whïte beäns änd remove from heät.

4. Into the lärge bowl holdïng the quïnoä ädd the pepper mïxture, cïläntro, änd hälf of the cheese; stïr well to combïne.

5. Spreäd the quïnoä mïxture ïnto the prepäred bäkïng dïsh änd evenly top wïth the remäïnïng cheese. Pläce the pän ïnto the oven änd bäke for 20 mïnutes, or untïl the cheese ïs golden, bubbly, änd melted.

6. Serve ät once, gärnïshed wïth ävocädo, tomäto, cïläntro, änd red onïon, ïf desïred.

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