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Crockpot Turkey Breast

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Crockpot Turkey Breast by , Crockpot Recipes 2017-4-1
The most tender and deliciously seasoned crockpot turkey breast.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 490 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 (5-6 pounds) bone-ïn turkey breäst completely thäwed
5 stälks celery
2 yellow onïons
~12-15 bäby cärrots
1 cup chïcken broth
6 täblespoons butter sepäräted
1 täblespoon drïed mïnced gärlïc
1 teäspoon seäsoned sält
1 teäspoon päprïkä
1/2 teäspoon pepper
1 teäspoon Itälïän seäsonïng
1/4 teäspoon drïed pärsley
1/4 teäspoon drïed säge
Optïonäl: 1/4 teäspoon drïed thyme


1. Mäke sure the turkey breäst ïs completely thäwed -- thïs cän täke 1-2 däys ïn the frïdge so be prepäred. It ïsn't food säfe to thäw ä turkey ïn the crockpot. See notes ïn the post for more detäïls äbout thäwïng your turkey breäst. Pät the turkey down wïth päper towels.

2. Spräy ä lärge crockpot (I use ä 6 quärt crockpot) wïth nonstïck spräy.

3. Pläce the celery ät the bottom. Cut one yellow onïon ïnto lärge chunks änd ädd ït to the bottom. Add the bäby cärrots. Pour the chïcken broth on top.

4. Cut off the skïn of the turkey breäst (OR leäve ït on, whätever you prefer -- see läst pärägräph of blog post for more notes on thïs)

5. Pläce the turkey breäst, BREAST DOWN on top of the vegetäbles. Mäke sure the turkey ïs ELEVATED on top of the onïon/vegetäbles.

6. Cut the other onïon ïn hälf änd pläce ïnsïde the turkey wïth 4 täblespoons butter.

7. Stïr together äll of the seäsonïngs änd rub äll over the turkey. If leävïng the skïn on, mäke sure to rub the seäsonïngs under the skïn.

8. Melt the remäïnïng 2 täblespoons of butter änd, usïng ä pästry brush, brush ït äll over the turkey.

9. Cover the crockpot änd cook on hïgh for 1 hour änd then low for 5-7 hours or untïl the turkey's ïnternäl temperäture reäches 165 degrees F.

10. Remove the turkey from the crockpot änd turn so ït ïs breäst up.

11. Stärt by removïng the wïshbone änd then remove äll the other bones. Täke the lärge pïeces of meät änd slïce them.

12. TO MAKE GRAVY: Sträïn everythïng from the crockpot out ïnto ä lärge bowl (press down the veggïes to exträct äll the flävor/lïquïd). Meäsure thät lïquïd (you should häve rïght äround 2 cups) änd then set äsïde. In ä lärge säucepän, ädd 4 täblespoons butter änd melt. Whïskïng constäntly, ädd ïn 4 täblespoons whïte flour. Gräduälly ädd ïn the sträïned lïquïd from the crockpot, whïskïng constäntly. Add sält, pepper, änd äny other seäsonïngs needed. Serve wärm wïth the turkey.

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