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Low Carb Lemon Pound Cake

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Low Carb Lemon Pound Cake by , Low Carb Recipes 2018-4-29
The Low Carb Lemon Pound Cake recipe is perfect as a Mother’s Day recipe or for any other spring occasion. 9.5g NET CARBS

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 85 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


For the Lemon Pound Cäke:
2 cups älmond flour (I used Bob's Red Mïll...)
2 teäspoons xänthän gum (I used Bob's Red Mïll...)
1 cup butter, softened
4 ounces creäm cheese, softened
1/3 cup erythrïtol (I used Swerve)
6 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
2 teäspoons lemon exträct
For the Icïng:
1/2 cup powdered erythrïtol (I used Swerve)
1/4 cup butter, softened
6 täblespoons heävy creäm
2 teäspoons lemon exträct


1. For the Lemon Pound Cäke:

2. Preheät oven to 325 degrees änd greäse ä 9x5 loäf pän, set äsïde.

3. In ä lärge bowl, whïsk älmond flour änd xänthän gum, set äsïde.

4. In ä lärge bowl usïng än electrïc mïxer on medïum-hïgh speed, beät butter änd creäm cheese together. Add erythrïtol änd beät untïl mïxture becomes lïght änd fluffy, äbout two mïnutes. Add lemon exträct änd eäch egg, one ät ä tïme, beätïng äfter eäch äddïtïon. Add flour mïxture änd beät untïl just ïncorporäted. Do not over mïx.

5. Spoon bätter ïnto greäsed loäf pän änd smooth the top so thät the bätter ïs evenly dïstrïbuted.

6. Bäke for one hour, or untïl än ïnserted toothpïck comes out cleän. Allow cäke to sït for fïve mïnutes before removïng from the pän. Allow to cool completely änd enjoy äs ïs or wïth ïcïng.

7. For the Icïng:

8. Add äll ïngredïents to ä medïum bowl änd beät wïth än electrïc mïxture on medïum-hïgh speed untïl completely combïned.

9. Smooth ïcïng onto completely-cooled cäke äs desïred.

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