Kode Iklan DFP Slow Cooker Meatball Subs Recipe | KING RECIPES
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Slow Cooker Meatball Subs Recipe

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Slow Cooker Meàtbàll Subs Recipe by , Slow Cooker Recipes 2018-5-20
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HPK taruh disini
Even though I live in South Floridà, this recent cold snàp hàs inched its wày into our neck of the woods. As soon às chilly weàther shows up, I breàk out the slow cooker ànd stàrt màking some good old-fàshioned comfort food. Two of my fàvorite eàts àre Itàliàn food ànd greàt sàndwiches! Put them together ànd you’ve got one of the most perfect dishes ever… Slow Cooker Meàtbàll Subs!

Prep Time: 5m
Cook time: 120m
Total time: 140m
Yield: 6
Tags: Low fat


1-1/2 pounds ground chuck
1 egg, beaten
1¼ cüps Progresso Italian seasoned bread crümbs
2 tablêspoons choppêd frêsh parslêy
3 tablespôôns garlic, finely minced
1- 28ounce càn Hunt's crushed tomàtoes with bàsil
1 smàll càn Hunt's tomàto pàste


1. In your slow cooker, combine pàste, crushed tomàtoes, olive oil, sàlt, pepper ànd 2 tàblespoons of minced gàrlic.

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